
Contribution to this site began with a few students.  They were participating in entrepreneurial conservation projects and wanted to document their experiences and observations. The objective for this documentation was simple: to get fellow students interested in participating in these initiatives.  Like Tom Sawyer’s approach to getting the fence painted, without the cheekiness but with every intent to enlarge the work party.

As per the law of unintended consequences, in addition to students a wide variety of others have followed the example of the early contributors.  First, a group of older social entrepreneurs responded to the request of the students and started sharing their experiences.  Then a teenaged photographer of Indian dragon flies shared his craft, as did a 20-something photographer of the Patagonian Expedition Race, a 50-something princely photographer of birds, and so on.

We have welcomed naturalist guides, semi-permanent travelers, vagabond volunteers and others to contribute when they have something to say that helps us illustrate entrepreneurial conservation––why it is needed, how it is done, what goes wrong, what goes right…

These photos and biographies are snapshots into the period of time that these people were contributors. It is possible that some of them may have moved on since writing their bio, but the bio is a description of their lives while they were writing; some of our contributors have also written as guest authors under the La Paz Group name. You can click on the underlined name below these pictures to be taken to the respective author’s work, or click on the photo to see a brief bio of each contributor.

17 thoughts on “Contributors

  1. Hello Seth & Pierre

    We like very much what you have felt and written about Sweet Nicaragua… NicarAgua Dulce.

    See you again…

    Hasta luego,
    Mauro Bersani
    and all the team of NicarAgua Dulce & Isla Zopango

  2. I love your references to Mark Twain and Nicaragua. Twain has always been my literary hero. If I’m not mistaken, he once traveled to India via Nicaragua. The Panama Canal hadn’t been built at the time. Congratulations on the good work that Raxa Collective is doing. Your youthful idealism is contagious and necessary for a better (sustainable) tomorrow. Best wishes.

  3. Pingback: Andrew Forsthoefel, Come To Kerala! | Raxa Collective

  4. Pingback: A Few Thoughts To Close The Year | Raxa Collective

    • Hi Sharon, We met Ramesh at bird and wildlife photography workshop we co-sponsored at the Periyar Tiger Reserve. Photography is his avocation and passion, and it clearly shows! Thank you for your consistent visits to our site – we appreciate it!

  5. Photo credits to the person, etc. will be much appreciated, clearly “water-marked” on the digital copy (without any visual blemish, of course) of the photographs. More so since this blog obviously adhers to certain expert & technical standards on photography, specially some of the brilliant art work on rare & endangered wildlife

    • Hi Rahul, thanks for your comment. Our Bird of the Day photos are all credited by virtue of the publication name being the name of the photographer. Those contributors who don’t have their own accounts with us are published under the La Paz Group name, but with proper credit noted beneath the photograph. Best regards.

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