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A trusted source of information, ideas, news, and more — the website of The Guardian is always worth a visit.  Today is no exception, but above (click here to go to the original) is an exceptional example of its visual contribution to our sense of wonder about India’s diverse communities and how they worship.

For a newspaper founded in Manchester during the heyday of the British Empire, it is impressive that this organization has navigated its way to relevance in the 21st Century.  The riot of color in these photos is matched by the riot of curiosity induced in those of us non-Indians living in India.  I have mentioned on occasion what I hope we are able to accomplish here, among a few contributors in remote (to us) locations around the world: community, collaboration and conservation are our catchwords in English. Raxa, derived from a sanskrit word (more about which here), is an even better catchword: guardian is its English translation.  So we feel some affinity to this age-old, useful, thriving newspaper.

3 thoughts on “Guardians

  1. Pingback: Holier Than Holi? « Raxa Collective

  2. Pingback: Holi Trifecta « Raxa Collective

  3. Pingback: Guardian Contributors « Raxa Collective

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