Sounds Right

You will have to sleuth for background information, because the website does not provide any; it just says in boldface and a few lines of detail what the initiative is trying to do:

music selection opens in Spotify

Sounds Right is a music initiative to recognise the value of NATURE and inspire millions of fans to take environmental action. For the first time, NATURE can generate royalties from its own sounds to support its own conservation.

The greatest musician of all time has never been credited for her work. At least not at any great scale. Via the Sounds Right initiative, at least 50% of recording royalties from tracks by global artists that feature NATURE will be donated to biodiversity conservation and restoration projects along with 63% of recording royalties from ambient NATURE tracks. These royalties are topped up by corporate donations and individual giving (via our GoFundMe page). See ‘Funding NATURE’s Conservation & Restoration’ for more details on how funds will be distributed.

Wondering how the Sounds Right initiative is funded? The majority of core costs are covered by third-party grants, with Hempel Foundation and Community Arts Network providing seed funding to get this initiative off the ground. To help sustain Sounds Right going forward, 10% of corporate donations and 7% of recording royalties from ambient NATURE tracks will be shared between EarthPercent and the Museum for the United Nations – UN Live, covering costs like engaging (human) artists, managing the conservation fund and running the initiative.


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